The Washington DC Chapter of the African American Real Estate Professionals (AAREP DC) has served its community and the real estate industry in the DC area for over 25 years. We’ve weathered numerous storms together over the years and the past two years have been particularly challenging as we’ve dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of us have lost friends and family as well as suffered impacts to businesses that we’ve worked diligently to build and maintain. There aren’t any words that can fully express the loss we’ve experienced. But one common thing these unprecedented times have shown us is that we need our AAREP community now more than ever. In 2022 we will be tasked with navigating our changed environment, and in doing so we will continue our mission, “To facilitate economic parity through real estate,” by working together to support, educate and network with each other through programming activities both virtually and in person, when appropriate.

As the incoming President, I look forward to continuing the AAREP legacy in working with the leadership team to enhance the professional and economic development of the membership. I’m transitioning into the role of President from a multi-year Board Member position and am excited to carry on the initiatives we’ve been working on over the past couple of years. To start the year off, I am excited to announce that beginning this year we are stepping into a new milestone with the engagement of an Executive Director, Nkosi Bradley. As real estate professionals we are keenly aware of the impact policy can have on opportunities for our community, including economic development. Nkosi will pick up the torch and build upon our recent advocacy efforts as well as collaborate with AAREP leadership and our community to ensure we are meeting the needs of AAREP’s membership. This is exciting news that will allow us to leverage AAREP’s influence on both a local and national level. Please stay tuned for more communications on this from Nkosi and our collective vision for 2022.
In this new year, I challenge each of you to enhance your connection with the AAREP community by renewing your membership for 2022 and to be intentional about your engagement within AAREP. AAREP has members from every major discipline in the real estate industry; our community is our biggest asset. We’ve thrived in the toughest of climates, and together will continue to do so.
Wishing you all Peace, Power and Prosperity in 2022.
Heather Howard
2022 AAREP DC President